Monday, August 25, 2008

Early Thoughts on Cultural Identity

Think about what you discussed today with your small group and with the class. Then, finish the following sentence and give a brief explanation of your response:

Americans in our generation value....


Unknown said...

Americans in our generation value happiness and meaning in their lives. A lot of the songs symbolized or sang about love and peace in the world. My song "Won't Go Home Without You" by Maroon5 talks about a second chance with love, which is something that a lot of people want. Love and peace provide the means for meaning in each persons's life and everyone in this society seems to value meaning above all.

morganw said...

Americans in our generation value...themselves.

In our culture we highly value ourselves - individuals and their qualities. But we also value other americans. We value our value and ideals but not necessarily our values and ideas.

jordans said...

Americans in our generation value material things. I feel ecspecially in the youth we value living in the moment and having no regrets. Some live for the party and others live for other people. People today become dependant on someone or something else and that is their main priority and most valued in thier life.

MattN said...

Americans in our generation value everything from relationships to small knick knacks. Americans value such a wide variety of things that don't always have to be something physical that can be touched. Relationships give people a feeling inside like they are wanted...while when people have expensive and popular items, that alone makes them feel loved.

Unknown said...

Americans in our generation value leadership.

There are many people in our world today who are either shy, or just don't have that leadership trait. There are people who actually do have that leadership trait, and tend to take charge. If we didn't have that in our world, nothing would get done. The people who aren't leaders value those people who are. Sometimes they can bring out the best in them, and get them to give some views. Also, a lot of times citizens depend on the leaders to do what's right. Overall, if we didn't have leadership, we would go absolutely nowhere. This also does not only apply to the world, but also today in schools and such.

delaney n said...

Americans in our generation value our freedom. We value the opportunity to make our own decisions and value the chance to make our own decisions related to issues of our country. We value the right to choose for ourselves what we want and we value being able to reject what we don't want. When something happens that we dislike, we value the fact that we can protest and speak our minds. We value the idea of being free.

Anonymous said...

Americans in our generation value meaning. Americans have fully satisfied our material needs and the majority of Americas are no longer struggling every day just to survive. Thus, we go searching for other things to make life worth living, a deeper meaning in life. This might mean ending a war that we believe is wrong or fighting to stop global warming.

sabrinad said...

Our generation likes individuality and change, two things unavailable without freedom. I believe that we value the ability to live in a country where we can express ourselfs.

amyw said...

Americans in our generation value our rights. So many people in the world don't have the rights that we do, and this causes us to value them even more. The Constitution secures rights for us that people in a lot of countries don't have, and we are very thankful for this.

Ryad said...

Americans in our generation value the power they have over their lives. Most of the songs in my group talked today about our ability to change the things we don't like whether through love, protests, or informing others. Our generation seems to enjoy having some measure of say about what goes on in our lives and that came out in the music we choose.

hannahl said...

Americans in our generation value personal fullfillment, happiness, and success. I think our generation is arrogant and prideful because we are so often told to have high self-esteem. Also, we seem to seek only for ourselves (happiness). Also, our generation hungers for great success so that they can be recognized and have a comfortable life. I really think our generation has lost the idea of empathy and the idea of helping others even if it means sacrificing something to do it. I am not sure if this will change, but right now the whole generation is pretty self-centered.

AustinD said...

Americans in our generation value change. The world isn't neccesaraly peacefull; we got the war on terror, enviormental issues, and other stuff like that. In almost every song that are group picked out, the theme usually was "I don't like (x) and it needs changed." Everyone wants something different in life and want change.

shannanp said...

Americans in our generaton value the feeling of being love and accepted. I think that this is hard to come by these days because it feels that everyone is almost competing for other people's attention and will stop at nothing to get it. Once they have it, people value that acceptance a lot and don't do anything to put it in jeopardy. I think people feel that is the only way to have that emotion given to you.

mollyd said...

Americans in our generation value relationships. A lot of the songs I listened to were about relationships. People really want to keep relationships good and solid. If they make a mistake it seems a lot of people are willing to do just about anything to get the relationship back. Relationships really build us as people and develop our character.

EmilyJ said...

Americans in our generation value freedom to be who they really are. They want to be able to show their true colors without being discriminated against or mocked. Fortunately, Americans DO have the rights and freedom to express themselves which I know we are all thankful for. This could include religion, politics, views on controversial subjects, etc... It should not be something that we take for granted but something to be Embraced.

marissas said...

Americans in our generation value life. They want they best for them, their children and the future generations. Everyone wants to make the world a better place in some way or another.

macm said...

I think that americans in our generation value a place to fit in, their own niche within society so that they can recieve help from their peers and find a sense of belonging that can often escape nonconformists in our generation. One of the best places to observe this is in high school, where people are often ridiculed for thier beliefs, tqaste in clothing, music, etc.

ParkerH said...

sadly, very little. There is sooooo much that people just ignore now, including family, school, their well-being... it is quite sad how we have slipped into this apathy. Now, not everyone has, but too many have.

chelseas said...

Americans in our generation value how we appear to others as well as helping out in order to improve the world for the future. I think that we are all obsessed with our apperances. Also, we all want to try and help out in society so that we can improve the world not only for our generation, but for generations to come. I feel that we all care about the world more, and that we feel that we need to help out in any way that we can.

roser said...

We all had songs about the influences of celebrities and materialism and how they contribute, mostly negatively, to our growing youth. But we also had a couple songs about how we may strive for change and redemption, but it is hard to act on today in age; because Americans today in age value status, and they don't want to change if they are already in a position of height.

KarlyH said...

Americans in our generation value material items. After discussing all the songs chosen by our group, we decided to compare them and find simularities. One thing that almost all of our songs had in common was materializm. I'm sure most of you guys are familiar with the song I chose for today's discussion, Fabulous from HSM2. I think that it really shows the materialism and selfishness I believe is displayed in this decade's culture.

melissaz said...

American's in our generation value the opinions of others. It is hard to name one thing that all of us in this generation value, but I feel that other's opinions and feed back is one thing that many people value, but also in a good way. Some people might take the shallow road and worry about how they look and what other's think about them, but others put a piece of writing or something out there are want to know what the rest of the world thinks about it. No matter what anyone may say, everyone wants someone to relate with and someone who understands them.

MollyS said...

Americans in our generation value relationships. Kids define their happiness by how they are getting along with their friends, the status of their crushes, or whatever terms they are currently on with their parents. Every song that we listened to in our small groups today had some connection to how teenagers value their relationships with each other, and how that love defines them in every way.

KiraW said...

Americans in our generation value quality time. So many times, young people (and most of the generations alive today) Are hanging out with friends or doing something with other people. Most of the time, teens feel like they really enjoy their time with friends. No matter what they are doing, just spending time with people you are close with is a good thing.

Oliviak said...

Americans in our generation value themselves and material goods. Everyone has to have the last and greatest new phone or iPod. No one really is just happy with what they have. We compared to many teenagers our age in other countries we are very selfish and ungrateful for what we do have. There are many teenagers who are just thankful that they have water, food and a place to sleep.

kennaw said...

Americans in this generation value their peers. Without their peers they don't have people to help them up when they fall, keep them motivated in school, have fun in life, help each other out, and so on. Friendships are so important because you can't always turn to your parents for everything. Friends are there for you no matter what and you can be yourself around. if everyone was enemies what would the world be like? If everyone didn't have friends who would you talk too? Americans need peers no matter who it is anywhere, even adults to keep them moving in life.

Laurenc said...

American's in our generation value their freedom and independence. A lot of the songs were very opinionated and that wouldn't be allowed in many countries. I think Americans also love peace, as many of the songs were sticking up for love and peace or else asking where that love had gone such as in "Where is the Love" by the Black Eyed Peas.

alexf said...

Americans in our generation value comfort. Comfort deals with being accepted and happy. Teens today will do almost anything to feel accepted and welcome…or comfortable. One can see this mostly in schools, but honestly, anywhere one goes. Also, we are always striving to enjoy life…or be comfortable. This could be a good or bad thing, but a lot of products and slogans stress the importance of being happy. Being comfortable is what our generation values most because we become accepted and happy.

meganu said...

Americans in our generation value individuality, but at the same time, they also value conformity. Everyone is so caught up on being their own person, being different from everybody else. What they fail to realize is that by striving to be unique just like everyone else is conforming to the idea of unique-ness. Regardless, our generation of Americans still continue to value individuality.